Donate to St. Vincent de Paul Middletown

You are making a difference in this community, right now!  Your donation will buy food for the Soup Kitchen and Amazing Grace Food Pantry. It will make a loan for a security deposit to a family in need of housing.  It will buy a bus pass for someone to get to a doctor’s appointment.  It may also rent a truck to move donated furniture into an apartment for a formerly homeless individual.  Click the button below, and Thank You!

Memorial and Special Recognition Donation Information

For Memorial Donations:

    1. Click the button above for the payment processing center

    2. After you have made the payment, please send me an email or a letter with the following information:

      • Name of person being honored by your donation

      • Your mailing address for a tax receipt and acknowledgement

      • Name and address of a family member of the deceased that you would like to have notified of the donation in honor of their loved one.

Special Recognition Donation:

(Mother’s or Father’s Day, Birthdays, Anniversaries or any other Special Day)

    1. Click the button above for the payment processing center.

    2. After you have made the payment, please send me an email or a letter with the following information:

      • Date and amount of your donation

      • Name of person being honored by your donation

      • What the occasion is for the donation

      • Your complete mailing address for a tax receipt and acknowledgement

      • Name and address of the friend or family member being honored so we can send them an acknowledgement

Email this information to:  [email protected]

SVD Middletown
PO Box 398
Middletown, CT  06457
Attn: Kim

Optional:  If you’d like your donation geared towards one of our four programs, click on the link below for the program of your choice.  You will be brought to a Credit Card / Pay-Pal processing area in which you can make your donation.

Support the Amazing Grace Food Pantry

Middletown’s free grocery resource for more than 1000 local families every month. Sometimes more.

Support Homelessness & Housing Initiatives

Creating permanent housing for people with a history of homelessness, mental health or substance abuse issues.

Support the Community Assistance Fund

Supporting energy assistance programs, rental and transportation assistance, and referrals for medical, mental health and substance abuse needs.

Support the Soup Kitchen

Hope begins with a reliable hot meal in a safe environment, companionship and trust.  Only then will someone in need ask for the kind of support we can offer to help them create a better life.