Donate to St. Vincent de Paul Middletown
You are making a difference in this community, right now! Your donation will buy food for the Soup Kitchen and Amazing Grace Food Pantry. It will make a loan for a security deposit to a family in need of housing. It will buy a bus pass for someone to get to a doctor’s appointment. It may also rent a truck to move donated furniture into an apartment for a formerly homeless individual. Click the button below, and Thank You!
Memorial and Special Recognition Donation Information
For Memorial Donations:
Click the button above for the payment processing center
After you have made the payment, please send me an email or a letter with the following information:
Name of person being honored by your donation
Your mailing address for a tax receipt and acknowledgement
Name and address of a family member of the deceased that you would like to have notified of the donation in honor of their loved one.
Special Recognition Donation:
(Mother’s or Father’s Day, Birthdays, Anniversaries or any other Special Day)
Click the button above for the payment processing center.
After you have made the payment, please send me an email or a letter with the following information:
Date and amount of your donation
Name of person being honored by your donation
What the occasion is for the donation
Your complete mailing address for a tax receipt and acknowledgement
Name and address of the friend or family member being honored so we can send them an acknowledgement
Email this information to: [email protected]
SVD Middletown
PO Box 398
Middletown, CT 06457
Attn: Kim